I completed a meditation yesterday morning that has me reflecting on the kind of person I am and want to be and the types of choices I make. At first, words like kind, compassionate, supportive, present, and joyful come to mind. Alone, they do not sit well in my body, so I begin to think of one word that may be all those things in spirit. Immediately, FREEDOM makes an appearance, and it settles completely in my body.


Freedom encourages a focus on love at its purest and inspires an infectious type of joy.

What does that mean?

It means choosing miracles where others choose grievances (Daviji).

It means choosing ease when others choose drama.

It means sitting in discomfort if it restores harmony.

It means lovingly challenging people and systems perpetuating harm.

It means accepting others for who they are in the moment because I believe they are perfect as they are.

It means channeling peace when chaos surrounds me.

It means not judging others for where they are on their journey.

It means not using others' limitations as a reason to turn away from love.

It means continuing to prioritize your commitment to yourself while balancing it with your commitment to the world to honor the symbiotic relationship you share.

What does freedom mean to you?


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